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Baby Stars in Cardboard Box Remakes of Hollywood Classics



After Leon Mackie, Lilly Lang and their infant Orson packed up and moved to a new country, they found themselves with oodles of cardboard boxes (and time) on their hands

Enter Cardboard Box Office, the couple’s photo blog dedicated to recreating scenes from classic movies using cardboard boxes and other items from around their home. The couple’s sweet son stars in the recreated scenes — he’s basically the pint-size George Clooney of cardboard Hollywood.

Mackie told Mashable that the idea came together when he and Lang had the idea for a family photo titled “The Life Domestic,” based on a scene from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. He said their goal was to take a “photo that depicted our new messy and sleep-deprived lives.” Read more…

More about Art, Photography, Film, Baby, and Pics

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