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Amazon Tops Customer Satisfaction Ratings For Leading Brands While Facebook Languishes At The Bottom


Amazon has been riding the holiday sales push with some whizz-bang marketing highlighting its delivery prowess and sympathy for our consumerist frustrations (the latest: drone couriers and anti- “wrap rage” packaging for 200,000 items): a new report indicates that Amazon is preaching to the converted. ForeSee has ranked Amazon as the highest-rated brand in a list of the top 100 brands. Facebook was one of the worst.

Amazon, in fact, was the only tech brand to make it into the top 10, with a composite score of 87. Apple came in at number 14 with a score of 83 and Sony was at 20 (also with an 83 composite). Among other tech companies, Google scored 81 and Microsoft 78.

ForeSee says its ForeSee Experience Index — which takes into account customer loyalty, purchasing and recommendation behavior — crunches numbers from some 75,000 customer satisfaction surveys covering seven different industries, taken between Q1 and Q3 of this year. The list of 100 top brands, it says, were determined by Interbrand. It’s the first report of its kind produced by ForeSee.

What’s the deal with Facebook? Its composite score of 69 across an average score of 80 for all 100, ForeSee says, is indicative of how the company “seems to have lost the trust of the social media community.” Its suggestion is for Facebook to “use customer experience data to help identify what customers want and expect in order to improve overall satisfaction.” As a point of comparison, McDonalds is also a low-performer in the table, with a score of 72 — the same as key Amazon competitor Walmart.

Overall the tech industry scored 80 on average in the index.

[Photo via Flickr/ayustety]

Read more : Amazon Tops Customer Satisfaction Ratings For Leading Brands While Facebook Languishes At The Bottom

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