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6 Fun Facts About NBC’s Live Musical ‘The Sound of Music’



NBC‘s three-hour televised musical The Sound of Music Live!, starring country music star Carrie Underwood as Maria von Trapp and True Blood‘s Stephen Moyer as Captain von Trapp, airs live tonight (Dec. 5) at 8 p.m. ET.

For the uninitiated, The Sound of Music tells the story of aspiring nun Maria’s adventure to become governess for the widower Captain von Trapp’s seven kids, but her romantic emotions for the Captain kick in and she begins to doubt her religious calling

But before you watch Underwood take on the iconic role national TV, here are six fun facts to digest and share with your friends family Read more…

More about Music, Entertainment, Tv, Nbc, and Musical

Read more : 6 Fun Facts About NBC’s Live Musical ‘The Sound of Music’

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