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5 Surprises You’ll Find in a Tesla Model S



There are 52 Tesla showrooms in the U.S. and Canada. That may sound like a lot, until you consider that Ford and Chevvy have 3,000 dealerships each in the U.S. alone. So finding a Tesla store in your neighborhood is a rare thing.

The Tesla Model S is even more of a rare beast. The all-electric, $110,000 sedan has been on sale in the U.S. since 2012. The car has survived more than its share of hype, praise and scorn. Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk (the Tony Stark of our generation) has the run his auto business more like a tech startup. He has been quick to tout his wins, and almost as fast to address criticism and build a better charging infrastructure. Read more…

More about Cars, Elon Musk, Electric Cars, Tesla Model S, and Tech

Read more : 5 Surprises You’ll Find in a Tesla Model S

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