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5 Reasons Millennials Are Quitting Facebook



Facebook is the cigarette of 2013, the “bad habit” many are trying to kick. And the doubts seem to be stemming from Facebook’s younger users

Mashable reached out to a few Millennials, in particular, to find out why they left Facebook — and why some returned. While the reasons for cutting the cord ranged from the practical to the existential, many former Facebook users cited the stress of maintaining their online appearances

While half the users we questioned have returned to the site (albeit with a reduced presence), the other half consistently claim they’re happy to be “free” of Facebook. They found that once they got used to it, life without social media wasn’t as hard as they imagined Read more…

More about Facebook, Social Media, Features, Millenials, and Health Fitness

Read more : 5 Reasons Millennials Are Quitting Facebook

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