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3D Model Sharing Service Sketchfab Raises $2 Million


As 3D modeling enters the mainstream, it helps to have a place to put them. That’s where Sketchfab comes in. Designed as an embeddable 3D object browser, the company allows designers and tinkerers to upload and share their 3D scans.

The service raised $2 million from Balderton, Partech and angel David Cohen. They’re seeing an average of 300 object files uploaded per day for a total of 70,000 3D files so far. They have a running tally of the number of triangles and vertices processed here.
Services like Sketchfab are something new in the web app realm. Not unlike YouTube for video or Flickr for photos, this service lets designers showcase their wares and offers an easy way to share 3D renders and fan art. You can follow and contact 3D artists and request copies of models and you can also hire 3D modellers from the site.

“We only do one thing, to display 3D files in the browser, but we do it well and fast,” said CEO Alban Denoyel. Based on our own Steve Long’s smile, below, they may be right.

Steve from johnbiggs on Sketchfab.

Read more : 3D Model Sharing Service Sketchfab Raises $2 Million

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