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YouTube Music Awards Director Warns Viewers: Show Will Be Messy



Sunday’s YouTube Music Awards — a new event for the Internet, influenced by the Internet and aired on the Internet — is taking a stab at reinventing the way fans participate and watch awards shows

YouTube chose its nominees based on musicians’ YouTube stats, including video views, Likes, comments and channel subscriptions. The winners will be decided by share counts for the each artist’s nomination video on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter

Getting fans involved in the voting process via social media isn’t new (the MTV Video Music Awards and People’s Choice Awards do it, too). However, Google is doing a few things differently: The powers that be bypassed the entertainment experts who normally choose nominees, and they opted to air the show on YouTube rather than on TV. Read more…

More about Youtube, Music, Entertainment, Spike Jonze, and Youtube Music Awards

Read more : YouTube Music Awards Director Warns Viewers: Show Will Be Messy

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