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Xbox One and PlayStation 4 vs. Older Consoles in 2013 Dollars



Buying a new video game console can set you back a pretty penny — just look at Sony‘s PlayStation 4, which goes to market on Friday for $399, and Microsoft’s Xbox One, which is being released late the following week for $499.

But these two late 2013 releases aren’t particularly expensive when you look at the prices of major consoles in 2013 dollars. For instance, 2006’s PlayStation 3 went, which originally went on sale for $499, would today retail for $579.

Statista‘s chart compares the prices of 11 major video game consoles, released over the last two decades, showing their market prices when launched and their 2013 dollar equivalent Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, and Chart Of The Day

Read more : Xbox One and PlayStation 4 vs. Older Consoles in 2013 Dollars

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