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Why the Left Isn’t Very Good at Trolling



Rep. Alan Grayson has been getting nasty emails lately. He’s been called a “Jew-boy” and also a “German Nazi.” One person said he was “lower than whale dung” while another writer went with “lower than snail scum.” And, of course, he was told to burn in hell.

He’s not altogether surprised. He knows this is what happens when you headbutt a hornets’ nest, as he did earlier this month by sending an email equating the tea party to the Ku Klux Klan. The email — complete with a donate button at the bottom — included a picture of a burning cross as the “T” in Tea Party.

And it wasn’t just Internet trolls or even just the right that got riled up. Missouri Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill condemned the email, head of the Democratic National Committee Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz said she was “disappointed” by it, and no Democrats in Congress have said publicly they support the rhetoric or imagery. Read more…

More about Democrats, Us Government, Trolls, Liberal, and Us World

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