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Viral Video Recap: Astronauts Tackle Life on Earth and More



Astronauts may seem superhuman, but even the space-soaring among us can’t escape road rage or a failed first date.

This week’s Viral Video Recap features a quirky promotional video for superstar astronaut Chris Hadfield‘s new book, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth.

In the video, an astronaut struggles to tackle everyday earthly challenges — vacuuming, making breakfast, mowing the lawn — in a full space suit. But life gets a lot easier when he discovers Hadfield’s how-to guide

This isn’t Hadfield’s first YouTube moment. Perviously, he recorded a music video from space. Read more…

More about Youtube, Viral Videos, Memes, Watercooler, and Videos

Read more : Viral Video Recap: Astronauts Tackle Life on Earth and More

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