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Twitch and Machinima Partner to Bring Live TV to Gamers



Machinima, one of the biggest YouTube entertainment networks, is breaking from its on-demand format to bring gamers new shows on a streaming schedule via Twitch, almost like a television network.

Machinima said it will bring its growing eSports coverage to Twitch, a streaming network for gamers that has 45 million unique viewers a month, but will also bring new and popular shows, which would normally air on YouTube, to a Monday-through-Friday streaming schedule

Machinima already reaches about 200 million viewers a month on its network of YouTube channels, which focus on different aspects of gaming culture or related entertainment. Machinima’s Director of eSports and Live Content Ryan Wyatt said what they were developing especially for Twitch was “a television vibe with a live feel.” Read more…

More about Gaming, Machinima, Twitch, and Entertainment

Read more : Twitch and Machinima Partner to Bring Live TV to Gamers

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