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‘This Guy Was So Close to the Edge of Life’: America Remembers JFK



Jay Leno was in school. Jane Fonda was shooting a movie in Paris, and Jimmy Carter was hauling peanuts and grain on his tractor.

NBC News compiled more than six hours of interviews with celebrities and historians detailing their memories of Nov. 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

The interviews discuss not only Kennedy’s assassination, but also his presidency, his personal life and the era as a whole

“The legacy of the Kennedy family has this emotional connection that still holds today,” Gregory Gittrich, NBC News Digital’s vice president of news and product and executive editor, told Mashable. Read more…

More about Jfk, Nbc, Media, Tv, and Us World

Read more : ‘This Guy Was So Close to the Edge of Life’: America Remembers JFK

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