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‘The Wall Street Journal’ and Reuters Blocked in China



The Chinese websites for The Wall Street Journal and Reuters have both been blocked by the Great Firewall of China. Their English-language sites are still reachable.

Paul Mozur from the Journal tweeted the news Friday from Beijing. Tech in Asia‘s Beijing staff tested and confirmed the block at 3:50 p.m. local time.

Ominous thunder in distance @GreatFireChina: Breaking: Reuters/WSJ Chinese blocked in China

— Paul Mozur (@paulmozur) November 15, 2013

As of right now, the government’s reasons for blocking the sites are unclear. It’s uncertain if this block will be permanent (some have been lifted in the past) or temporary. Read more…

More about Government, China, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and Government Censorship

Read more : ‘The Wall Street Journal’ and Reuters Blocked in China

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