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The Sound of Racing Silence: Get Ready for an Electric Formula One



Ladies and gentlemen, start your super-efficient, silent engines.

The group behind Formula One auto racing has unveiled a 10-city series for electric race cars. Dubbed “Formula E,” naturally, the schedule starts Sept. 10, 2014, in Beijing and zips around the globe, making stops in Putrajaya, Malaysia; Hong Kong; Punta Del Este, Uruguay; Buenos Aires; Los Angeles; Miami; Monte Carlo; Berlin; and London. Initially, 10 teams with two drivers apiece are slated to race.

It’s a cool concept, and the mental image it evokes is downright surreal: sleek sports cars quietly gliding around a curvy track, with the only sound coming from screeching tires and screaming fans. The silence actually presents a safety issue for tire crews, so the electric race cars will emit a canned “car sound” when pulling into pit lane so nobody gets run over. Read more…

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