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The 20 Most Popular Passwords Stolen From Adobe



It’s no secret that people choose dumb passwords. But when a large database of passwords gets hacked and exposed, it can still be shocking that users still go with such easy-to-guess passwords

But that’s exactly what many Adobe customers did. As it turns out, according to one password cracker, the three most popular passwords among Adobe users, whose account details were stolen by hackers, are: “123456,” “123456789,” and “password.”

In early October, hackers breached Adobe servers and stole data on 38 million active users (not just 2.9 as Adobe initially reported). But they also accessed data on inactive users, giving the hackers access to a whopping 130 million passwords. Read more…

More about Hacking, Hack, Hackers, Passwords, and Data Breach

Read more : The 20 Most Popular Passwords Stolen From Adobe

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