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Stars of Tech World Lend Their Force to George Lucas



George Lucas, one of the most private of Bay Area residents, is not exactly a fixture on the Silicon Valley party circuit. Most top tech CEOs know him by reputation only

But now the Star Wars filmmaker is battling for the chance to build his art museum in San Francisco and just won an outpouring of support from what you might call the tech world’s Jedi Council.

Steve Jobs’ widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, put her name to a letter obtained by Mashable that urges the Presidio Trust to build Lucas’ museum. Others who signed the letter included Jack Dorsey, Marissa Meyer, Biz Stone, YouTube founder Chad Hurley and the CEOs of Airbnb, Dropbox, eBay and Pinterest, as well as 23 other tech luminaries, like retired footballer and newbie tech world investor named Joe Montana. Read more…

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