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‘Star Wars Derp Trailer’ Is Remix Culture at its Finest



Thanks to the fact that Lucasfilm published it on the company’s official YouTube channel, a lot of people have seen the original 1977 trailer for Star Wars lately

And thanks to the fact that Lucasfilm put it in an e-book, and a fan transferred it to YouTube without authorization, a lot of people have seen the newly discovered Star Wars blooper reel lately. (It was taken down over a copyright complaint, but now appears to be back; check it out, below, for as long as it lasts.)

Regardless, the genie is out of the bottle on this one, as shown Monday, when a mash-up of the original trailer and the blooper reel started circulating. Read more…

More about Mashups, Remix Culture, Star Wars, Entertainment, and Film

Read more : ‘Star Wars Derp Trailer’ Is Remix Culture at its Finest

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