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Security Concerns Not Slowing Public Cloud Adoption

Ask a CIO what her top concerns are with public cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), and she’s almost certainly going to list security as her #1 concern. But ask her whether she’s running serious applications in the public cloud, and the answer increasingly is “Yes.”

Put simply, the increased agility of cloud computing trumps its many drawbacks, including security.

Security And The Cloud

And let’s be clear: security is a very big issue. At least, it’s a very big perceived issue. According to a recent 451 Research survey of IT executives, security concerns dwarf other inhibitors to public cloud adoption:

And yet when Forrester polled IT management, 40% of the 2000-plus enterprises surveyed indicated they have already rolled out workloads on public clouds or have near-term plans to do so, up from 30% in 2012. In 2014 that number is projected to hit 50%.

Clearly, the oft-maligned public cloud is holding its own.

For one thing, security is something of a non-argument, as enterprises generally under-invest in security. According to a

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