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Rob Ford + Jean-Claude Van Damme = WTF



One’s a disgraced Toronto mayor. The other an aging action star. Together they join forces to take over the web.

No, this isn’t some new buddy movie, it’s a twisted mashup of two of last week’s most viral videos. Someone got the bright idea to superimpose Rob Ford’s face onto Jean-Claude Van Damme’s “epic split” ad for Volvo and the result has delighted the Internet.

Some choice tweets in response to the bizarre bit of video editing:

What’s more flexible than Rob Ford’s morals? #VanFord

— Megan Andres (@SueSussudio) November 18, 2013 Read more…

More about Volvo, Parodies, Business, Advertising, and Jean Claude Van Damme

Read more : Rob Ford + Jean-Claude Van Damme = WTF

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