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Porta-Pi Cabinet Lets You Take the Classic Arcade Anywhere



Arcade fans can attest that a game feels much more exciting when playing with a joystick and colorful buttons. But dragging a classic, standing arcade game system into your home is no easy feat considering the large size of most games — and it gets even harder if you want your beloved Street Fighter in the office.

Here to help with that gaming conundrum is Porta-Pi, a DIY arcade cabinet that lets users hook up their Raspberry Pi — a tiny computer that normally works with TVs or keyboards — and play classic games with a proper joystick and buttons. Ryan Bates built the cabinet by laser-cutting its pieces and manufacturing the parts to fit like a puzzle. The cabinet also includes a 7-inch LCD monitor and speakers. Read more…

More about Video Games, Tech, Gadgets, Porta Pi, and Arcade

Read more : Porta-Pi Cabinet Lets You Take the Classic Arcade Anywhere

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