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Pinterest, Stripe And MakerBot Investor Shana Fisher Joins A16Z As A Board Partner


Shana Fisher is joining Andreessen Horowitz as a board partner, according to a blog post published by A16Z founder Ben Horowitz today.

As Horowitz explains in his post, Fisher tends to keep a low profile in the VC world, but she’s made some savvy bets early on a number of hot new technologies and companies, including Pinterest, Stripe, Makerbot, Vine, FiftyThree, and Refinery29. A16Z has previously backed Stripe, Pinterest and a few other of Fisher’s investments.

Fisher, who is based in New York, started her career at Microsoft and went on to become a Vice President of Technology and Media M&A at Allen & Company. Following Allen & Co, she led strategic planning and M&A at IAC before founding her own early stage VC firm, High Line Venture Partners. You can read more about Fisher in this recent Business Insider profile.

The board partner role seems to be expanding at A16Z–former Windows President Steven Sinofsky joined Andreessen Horowitz as a board partner in August. At the time, he explained to AllThingsD that his role as board partner would be to represent the firm on the boards of portfolio companies, but he would not be considered a full-time member of the firm.

Other board partners include Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff, Blake Krikorian, John Jack, and Rod Johnson. We’re assuming Fisher’s role will be similar, and she’ll continue to make investments on behalf of High Line.

Read more : Pinterest, Stripe And MakerBot Investor Shana Fisher Joins A16Z As A Board Partner

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