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Now Google Glass Knows Where You Live



Google Glass continues to expand its head-mounted toolbox: The wearable computer now has stronger ties to both Google Calendar and Maps, letting you navigate to your home or workplace with just a few spoken commandsGoogle has also updated the FAQ for the device, saying it won’t deactivate Glass if you sell it.

The XE11 software update, announced on Google+ and automatically pushed to Glass Explorers, connects Glass to your Google Calendar better than before, allowing the wearer to use easy voice commands to see impending appointments. To see your calendar, just say “OK Glass, Google” then a calendar-specific command like “my agenda” or “what am I doing this week?” The only catch is you have to have private search enabled on your Google account. Read more…

More about Tech, Gadgets, Mobile, and Google Glass

Read more : Now Google Glass Knows Where You Live

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