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Netflix Experiments With 4K Video and Other News You Need to Know



Welcome to this morning’s edition of “First To Know,” a series in which we keep you in the know on what’s happening in the digital world.

Today, we’re looking at three particularly interesting storiesNetflix posted a series of videos to its site shot in 4K, also known as Ultra HD (which translates to 4,000 horizontal pixels). According to Krebs on Security, hackers broke into a limo reservation service and exposed the data of more than 850,000 customers. Ahead of a U.S. Senate vote for the updated Employment Non-Discrimination Act, Apple CEO Tim Cook penned an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal in favor of the changes. Read more…

More about Netflix, Apple, Hackers, First To Know Series, and Tim Cook

Read more : Netflix Experiments With 4K Video and Other News You Need to Know

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