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Marissa Mayer Thrives Off a Never-Ending To-Do List



Since taking over as the CEO of Yahoo nearly 18 months ago, Marissa Mayer has pushed many of the right buttons

Company stock more than doubled. The company has five times as many mobile employees as when she first started. In July, Yahoo registered more web traffic in the U.S. than Google for the first time since 2011

Mayer’s success has created a sort of fan following, including one big admirer with a company of his own: Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce. At Salesforce’s Dreamforce conference in San Francisco on Tuesday, Benioff asked Mayer to share her advice on how she keeps things running smoothly. In a room full of tech entrepreneurs and startup executives, it was a question begging for an answer. Read more…

More about Yahoo, Salesforce, Marc Benioff, Marissa Mayer, and Business

Read more : Marissa Mayer Thrives Off a Never-Ending To-Do List

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