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Lady Gaga Releases ‘ARTPOP’ Album Companion App



ARTPOP” by Lady Gaga “could mean anything,” as sung in the title track on the album. With the release of Lady Gaga’s third studio album “ARTPOP,” Gaga and her TechHaus team have built an intriguing companion app. The main question is whether the ARTPOP app is more than a gimmicky way to boost album sales.

The “ARTPOP” app is centralized around the idea of “the auras,” which is the community of users within the app. Named after “Aura,” the first track on the album, each user has a personal profile that they develop while using the app. Think of it as an overall presence of your activity, accessed by tapping on the glowing orb at the bottom of the main menu, which will reveal your activity scattered across the screen. Read more…

More about Music, Apps, Itunes, Albums, and Lady Gaga

Read more : Lady Gaga Releases ‘ARTPOP’ Album Companion App

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