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Kickstarter Parody Seeks Money to Fund a Better Kickstarter Video



Anyone who has managed a crowdfunding campaign knows that a solid campaign video is key. It’s also not easy to do on a budget

That’s why filmmaker Ben Godar got creative. He sent in a proposal for a Kickstarter project, seeking funds for — wait for it — his Kickstarter campaign video

Godar made a parody video asking others to donate money so he could make a really good video for his actual Kickstarter project. He submitted his campaign request to Kickstarter without any luck — it was rejected. But the video is funny nonetheless, and Godar uploaded it to YouTube instead Read more…

More about Youtube, Parody, Crowdfunding, Kickstarter, and Watercooler

Read more : Kickstarter Parody Seeks Money to Fund a Better Kickstarter Video

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