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‘Hunger Games’ Theme Park a Possibility, Studio CEO Says



Lionsgate, the studio behind The Hunger Games, revealed in a conference call Friday that it has been approached to create theme parks after the popular franchise and is considering the possibility.

There isn’t a lot of information yet, but the phone conference was between Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer and industry analystsAccording to Variety:

Feltheimer said Lionsgate had been approached about “Hunger Games” theme parks in two territories and was considering those possibilities. He gave no further details.

What should be considered is whether Hunger Games fans would be willing to pay hundreds of dollars to spend a day immersed in its setting. The difference between The Hunger Games and, say, Harry Potter, is that there’s no part of the world that most readers actually want to see come alive. Between the abject poverty, forced labor and Capitol people who joyfully rip 24 families apart every year for entertainment, it might be a hard sell. Read more…

More about Theme Parks, The Hunger Games, Entertainment, Film, and Hunger Games

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