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How Selfies And Image-Sensoring Technology Could Get You A Better-Fitting Bra

Fitting rooms are not fun. Nope. Every movie or TV show that has ever portrayed a fitting room as a makeshift pageant or runway show has lied to you. In fact, I strongly believe there is a very special circle of Hell that strongly resembles Forever 21 fitting rooms—tweens, their moms and all.

So, you decide to remedy these woes by online shopping.

A few clicks and eager tracking-number check-ups later, and you are slicing open a cardboard box with the hope and voracity of Charlie Bucket and a Wonka Bar. Gingerly, you slip on the clothes you ordered—the ones you thought might just complete your winter wardrobe (and, by transitive property, you), but alas! Nothing fits. Not in the way you wanted it to, anyway.

Every online apparel shopper’s tribulation with fit is very real. It is an issue many sites like True Fit, Virtusize

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