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How Batkid Conquered the World, by the Numbers



How big a deal was Batkid? Bigger than you might think.

The story of Miles, a 5-year-old with leukemia who wanted to be Batman and was assisted in this wish by pretty much all of San Francisco, touched many hearts on Friday. Now that the analysis is complete, we can see just how far and wide Miles’ story went — and how fast a heartwarming event can go global via social media

There were 406,960 tweets on Friday featuring either the #batkid or the #SFBatkid hashtag. Those tweets didn’t just come from a few power users, either. Some 377,048 unique Twitter users got in on the action, according to social-media analysts Marketwired. (em>Mashable’s first story on Batkid alone was shared more than 125,000 times.) Read more…

More about Us World, Social Good, Us, and Batkid

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