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Help Make A Tabletop Coffee Brewer, Grinder, And Roaster A Reality


Meet the new definition of an all-in-one coffee machine: the Bonaverde. It not only brews and grinds coffee beans, the tabletop machine roasts them as well. Put unroasted coffee beans in the machine, press a button or two and 12-14 minutes later it produces truly fresh coffee. But the creators need help bringing the device to market and just launched a Kickstarter campaign seeking $135k in preorders and donations.

The last ten years saw the emergence of all-in-one coffee machines that grind and brew a pot of coffee. These can now be bought for less than $100. Obviously the Bonaverde will cost a bit more, because, you know, it also roasts the coffee.

For early Kickstarter supporters the Bonaverde can be had for $250, but the company expects to eventually sell the device for north of $400.

The process is pretty straight forward: Put the unroasted coffee in the machine which then sends it through a roasting process. From there, a fan will cool the beans before a ceramic disk grinds them prior to brewing. The machine then brews the coffee using a rain-shower-type method that thoroughly saturates the beans with the heated water. The  whole process takes 12-14 minutes and produces 2-12 cups of coffee.

But where do you get unroasted coffee beans from? The farmers, of course. And apparently the company will facilitate that transaction, as well, providing buyers of its coffee machine with bean buying options from coffee farmers.

The product has been in development for over two years. The design itself was born from Jovoto where the company crowdsourced over 110 designs and the company expects to start shipping in the August of 2014.

Read more : Help Make A Tabletop Coffee Brewer, Grinder, And Roaster A Reality

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