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HeadsUP! Displays Your Smartphone on Your Car’s Windshield



Most auto manufacturers are building technology into the car, but a new Indiegogo campaign is hoping to add some of that tech onto your car, too

Tech startup NeXt built a product called HeadsUP!, a visual display that projects often-used cellphone features, such as texting, voice calls, and email, onto the windshield of a car. This allows users to engage with their smartphones without needing to look down, or fumbling with them while driving

HeadsUP! enables voice dictation and touch-free swiping to let users interact with the screen. NeXt CEO Arnab Raychaudhuri claims the device “significantly reduces reaction time while driving.” Read more…

More about Driving, Texting, Display, Tech, and Gadgets

Read more : HeadsUP! Displays Your Smartphone on Your Car’s Windshield

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