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Google Mystery Barge Is … A Store for Secrets?



Remember the strange Google-owned barge parked just off Treasure Island, matched by a counterpart in Portland, Maine? The one CNET uncovered last Friday, and suggested might be Google’s patented floating data center? The mystery that made it as far as a Daily Show segment?

Well, San Francisco TV station KPIX says it’s solved the case. The barges contain Google’s answer to Apple stores, only much more exclusive — and run by the company’s secret projects division.

KPIX’s first report over the weekend suggested the barge might house a store for Google Glass. But now the station says it has uncovered more sources, and more detail. Google X, the Sergey Brin-run skunkworks charged with investigating out-there products from balloon wifi to space elevators, is in charge of the barge. Read more…

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