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Gillmor Gang: Dynamic Clusters


The Gillmor Gang – John Borthwick, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, John Taschek, and Steve Gillmor – move further and further toward the Golden Age of Push Notification. What some see as a fragmented sea of apps, others see as a ripe opportunity to unify notifications as the successor to email, social streaming to the core. As Windows gets sucked into the tidal wave of mobility, it’s up to individual apps to intermediate themselves into the relentless flow.

Out of the soup of retweets, @mentions, and other graph-aware signals, a new hierarchy is presenting itself as an alternative to the conventional email aristocracy. The enterprise is not convinced of the viability of a meritocracy-driven individual contributorship, but luckily nothing else has yet surfaced to rule it out. Meanwhile, the slow iterative thinning of the tablet is fashioning a new template for navigating the new world, swimming against the tide in ecstatic leaps up the stream.

@stevegillmor, @borthwick, @kteare, @kevinmarks, @jtaschek

Produced and directed by Tina CHase Gillmor @tinagillmor

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Read more : Gillmor Gang: Dynamic Clusters

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