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Experts: Obama’s Cybersecurity Plans Work, But Change Has Been Slow



Nearly five years into his presidency and one year into his second term, experts agree that U.S. President Barack Obama‘s cybersecurity goals are well-defined. Progress toward those goals, however, has stagnated due to a lack of political will to pass meaningful cybersecurity policies, and because the president has only so much room on his plate, experts say

Obama began his first term with three cybersecurity goals in mind: raising public awareness about what cyber threats are and how they can harm people, investing more in cybersecurity research and development so the U.S. can develop better digital-protection tools, and working with private businesses to ensure they have a high level of cyber defense while still maintaining their independence. Read more…

More about Obama, Education, Legislation, Cybersecurity, and Apps Software

Read more : Experts: Obama’s Cybersecurity Plans Work, But Change Has Been Slow

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