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Even at D.C.’s Newseum, Ron Burgundy Stays Classy



Legendary anchorman Ron Burgundy will be on display at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., starting on Thursday.

“Anchorman: The Exhibit,” which runs through Aug. 31, 2014, will feature props, costumes and footage from the 2004 film.

“I’m literally trapped in a glass case of emotion,” said Burgundy, commenting on his inclusion in the museum’s exhibit, according to a Newseum news release.

The exhibit comes just in time for the premiere of Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, opening in theaters Dec. 20. Well, that escalated quickly Read more…

More about Films, Reporter, Museum, Newseum, and Entertainment

Read more : Even at D.C.’s Newseum, Ron Burgundy Stays Classy

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