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Discovery Problem: Why It’s So Hard to Find New Podcasts



Postcasts have a serious discovery problem.

As a medium, it’s hot right now. It’s building loyal and potentially lucrative communities around niche topics. Independent producers are finding success, fame and even a little money. But as a technology and an industry, podcasting has failed at connecting people with content in a dynamic and efficient way. There’s no Spotify for podcasting.

When it comes to podcasts, people are just lost. They don’t know where to start

Late this summer, a party-crashing podcast appeared. After about a year of modest growth, Welcome to Night Vale suddenly unseated This American Life from the No. 1 spot in iTunes’ Top 10 List. For a virtual unknown like Night Vale, this is a huge accomplishment Read more…

More about Podcast, Podcasting, Itunes, Podcasting Failure, and This American Life

Read more : Discovery Problem: Why It’s So Hard to Find New Podcasts

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