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Company Crowdfunds ‘Locking’ Anti-Rape Garments



The creators of a new clothing line featuring underwear and running shorts aim to help women feel safer on the streets.

AR Wear has been working on a anti-rape garments that women can wear discreetly, underneath their normal clothing. The idea is that customers can wear the AR underwear, for example, with a dress and leave for a night on the town feeling, potentially, a bit more secure.

The company designed the underwear with specific locks that keep it safely and tightly on the user and make it difficult for a stranger to forcibly remove it. The “skeleton structure,” as the company’s video describes, functions on certain parts of the garment to add protection by making those parts harder to move. Read more…

More about Indiegogo, Lifestyle, Ar Wear, and Anti Rape Clothing

Read more : Company Crowdfunds ‘Locking’ Anti-Rape Garments

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