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Batkid Was Beautiful — Let’s Keep It Going



Earlier this week, the folks at the Make-a-Wish Foundation’s San Francisco branch called me about a crazy scheme they were cooking up for a boy named Miles, who has leukemia. Because he loved Batman, they were going to drive him around the city in a borrowed Lamborghini with Batman decals, and had arranged some set pieces, such as a damsel in distress in a cable car, for Miles to participate in.

At that point, some 7,000 strangers had signed up on the Make-a-Wish website to provide the necessary flash mobs — a crowd in Union Square to alert Miles to the dastardly Penguin’s schemes, and another outside City Hall to thank him for saving ‘Gotham.’ The organizers figured they would be lucky if half those people showed up Read more…

More about Batman, Us World, Social Good, Us, and Batkid

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