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Ask a Dev: Can I Turn a Responsive Website Into an App?



The latest installment in our Ask a Dev series explains some methods that developers can use to translate their responsive websites into independent apps.

Clay Benson, a web director at Mutual Mobile, says that developers can use Apache Cordova or PhoneGap to package web code and deploy it to the app stores.

However, while these tools are simple, they do require sites to be in HTML, CSS or Javascript. That means that websites that use other web protocols will have to be re-architected before they can be deployed to the app store.

In the video above, Benson also discusses how cross-platform frameworks can be a substitute for media- or content-heavy applications. He says that the effectiveness of the frameworks will depend on how the applications are architected and suggests testing performance with an emulator. Read more…

More about Web Development, Responsive Web Design, Tech, Apps Software, and Dev Design

Read more : Ask a Dev: Can I Turn a Responsive Website Into an App?

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