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Artist Opens His Twitter Account to the Public



Twitter went public last week, and in response, media artist Kyle McDonald decided to open his own personal Twitter account to the masses.

McDonald, who is known for his People Staring at Computers project, wanted to explore the idea of what it means to form an online identity. He explains:

Twitter [is] one of the few services that has helped shape our understanding of what it means to craft an identity online, [so] I’ve decided to put my own identity in the hands of the public.

McDonald is taking advantage of Twitter’s relatively new feature, which gives users the option to receive direct messages from anyone (whereas previously they had to be followed by that person to message them). He coded a way for users to link their direct messages to his own feed, so that anyone who direct messages him with a tilde symbol (~) before the message, will actually tweet as him Read more…

More about Twitter, Social Media, Tweeting, Startups, and Apps Software

Read more : Artist Opens His Twitter Account to the Public

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