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Apple Rolls Out Patch To Fix Mavericks Gmail Issues

Apple’s newest version of OS X debuted to generally positive feedback a few weeks back… unless you were an Apple Mail user trying to use the app to check your Gmail. Then you probably had to deal with syncing headaches, incorrect unread email counts, and plenty of other miscellaneous unpleasantness (Joe Kissell has a pretty comprehensive breakdown of the big issues on his site if you’re feeling morbidly curious).

Thankfully, after a handful reports indicating that Apple was testing a patch to fix those sticking points, the company has finally started pushing it out into the wild… also known as the Mac App Store. According to Apple’s changelog, the patch addresses “an issue that prevents deleting, moving, and archiving messages for users with custom Gmail settings”, along with tackling the cause of those pesky errant email counts. Throw in a handful of minor (apparently so minor that Apple doesn’t bother delineating them) stability tweaks meant to make the experience that much smoother and you’ve got yourself Apple’s first Mavericks patch in a nutshell.

Read more : Apple Rolls Out Patch To Fix Mavericks Gmail Issues

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