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Apple Publishes First Transparency Report, and Transparency Is Barely Allowed



Apple has published its first transparency report, detailing the number of requests it receives for user and customer’s data from governments around the world

The company released its Report on Government Information Request (.PDF) on Tuesday. Just like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Yahoo, Apple is not allowed to publish detailed information about national security-related requests due to a gag order. Apart from that, the company says the data it is releasing constitutes “all the information we are legally allowed to share.”

The data published reflects requests from Jan. 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013. The company divides requests into two categories: those about accounts, which contain personal information, and those about devices, which arise in cases of stolen or missing iPhones or iPads Read more…

More about Apple, Surveillance, Transparency, Transparency Report, and Us World

Read more : Apple Publishes First Transparency Report, and Transparency Is Barely Allowed

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