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Apple CEO Tim Cook Speaks Out For Workplace Rights in Op-Ed



It’s not often that Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, uses his voice for issues not directly related to the company’s latest innovations, but on Sunday, he penned an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal regarding an issue that affects every company in the U.S

Addressing the upcoming Senate vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) scheduled to take place on Monday, Cook wrote an impassioned editorial outlining Apple’s stance on the issue

“Apple’s antidiscrimination policy goes beyond the legal protections U.S. workers currently enjoy under federal law, most notably because we prohibit discrimination against Apple’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees,” wrote Cook. Read more…

More about Apple, Politics, Lesbian, Gay Rights, and Human Rights

Read more : Apple CEO Tim Cook Speaks Out For Workplace Rights in Op-Ed

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