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Android vs. iOS Development: Fight!


The eternal startup question “Android or iOS first?” grows ever thornier, with news that Android’s market share exceeds 80%. But never mind the managers and non-technical founders: what do developers! developers! think of that divide? Whoever makes life easier for them gains a sizable edge.

And by “them” I mean “us.” When not writing TC columns (and novels) I’m a software engineer for HappyFunCorp, a consultancy with the best name (and web site–go on, click through) ever. To keep my hand in, as I find myself doing ever more management, I recently wrote and open-sourced a pair of more-or-less identical Android and iOS apps for a pet personal project. So let me use them to walk you through the state of the art.

Background: I’ve written numerous Android and iOS apps previously, both personally and professionally. These apps are native clients for my pet news aggregator, Scanvine, which identifies stories being shared unusually widely across social media. Their complete source code is available on Github: (Android

Read more : Android vs. iOS Development: Fight!

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