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Amazon’s ‘Alpha House’ Is More ‘Veep’ Than ‘House of Cards’



It’s Amazon‘s turn to get into the original series game. The Internet heavyweight premiered its first original series, political sitcom Alpha House, this month with three episodes streaming for free on Amazon Instant Video.

Alpha House is a solid entry. It’s amusing, visually appealing and has a great cast. The quality is there, though it might not be groundbreaking enough to make you cancel your Netflix subscription, and it is unlikely to incite the same level of laughs as your favorite TV comedies.

You’ve got to admire the fact that Amazon went all-in with choosing a political themed series, Netflix comparisons be damned. But House of Cards this is notAlpha House is more of a tamer, nicer, less obscenity-filled Veep than anything else, hewing closer to an HBO comedy than the hourlong dramas Netflix has produced Read more…

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Read more : Amazon’s ‘Alpha House’ Is More ‘Veep’ Than ‘House of Cards’

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