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70% of Snapchat Users Are Women, Report Says



Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel said on Wednesday that 70% of the photo-sharing app’s users are female, according to a new report. Spiegel shared the breakdown, along with a few other metrics, at a closed-door conference hosted by Goldman Sachs in Las Vegas

Snapchat did not share the size of its total user base. The company did not immediately return a request for comment

A Snapchat spokeperson said on Tuesday that its users send 400 million “snaps” — that is, pictures or videos — each day; that number doubled the 200 million snaps sent back in June. For comparison, Facebook users share approximately 350 million photos per day, but this number doesn’t include Instagram shares or video uploads Read more…

More about Women, Goldman Sachs, Social Media, Apps Software, and Mobile

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