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6 Futuristic Gifts You Can Buy Right Now



Aside from light sabers, invisibility cloaks, hover anything and time machines, there isn’t very much out there that hasn’t been tried, invented, perfected and sold to the masses. Our ancestors would most likely not recognize the way we live today, sitting in front of large flat screen computers and using what would seem to them an invisible force field, if you will, that connects us to the world without ever having to leave bed

The past decade has been riddled with more innovation, and change keeps coming at a rapid pace — and there doesn’t seem to be much of a slow down. As the holiday season approaches, we thought it’d be a perfect time to uncover some gift ideas that seem like they’re from the future. From robots to DNA, food substitutes to pedal power, these six futuristic technologies are all available for purchase right now, and the futurist in your life would be grateful to receive them. Read more…

More about Gadgets, Gifts, Holiday, 3d Printing, and Tech

Read more : 6 Futuristic Gifts You Can Buy Right Now

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