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19 Wonderfully Silly Items Stocked at Hooper’s Store on ‘Sesame Street’



Sesame Street celebrated its 44th anniversary Sunday. And for 44 years, Hooper’s Store has served as the hub of Muppet and human activity in the iconic neighborhood.

Mr. Hooper founded the convenience store in 1951, serving up birdseed milkshakes and life lessons to patrons. Following his death in 1982, David, Mr. Handford and Alan each took over management at different times, but retained the original name. Cookie Monster, Bert and various Honkers have also lent a furry hand at Hooper’s over the years.

Birdseed shakes might only suit the taste buds of 8-foot-2-inch-tall yellow birds, but the store shelves are packed with goodies certain to satisfy monsters and people alikeMashable discovered how to get, how to get to Sesame Street, and made a stop by Hooper’s Store for a little grocery shopping. Read more…

More about Lists, Sesame Street, Muppets, Tv, and Watercooler

Read more : 19 Wonderfully Silly Items Stocked at Hooper’s Store on ‘Sesame Street’

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