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13 Working-Parent Life Hacks for All Hours of the Day



I know it, you know it: There’s not enough time in the day. Raising a family and having a full-time job requires maintaining a rigorous schedule and constantly searching for time-savers. The fact that you’ve even made it this far into an introductory paragraph impresses me.

So, let’s get right to it. I consulted with my parent-friends and collected these working-parent life hacks that will save you time from morning until night.

In the Morning

1. Invest in a coffee maker with a timer so your liquid fuel is ready the moment you wake up (or, more likely, the moment your children wake you up).

2. Keep your bathrobe on over your work clothes until you walk out the front door. This will help you avoid any morning messes — spit up, sippy cups, bottles or unidentified sticky messes flung across the room — so you won’t have to waste time changing an entire outfit. Read more…

More about Parenting, Family, Lifestyle, Family Parenting, and Work Play

Read more : 13 Working-Parent Life Hacks for All Hours of the Day

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