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13 Gift Ideas for the Woman in Your Life



As the holiday season approaches, we know you’re a bit stumped about what to get the woman in your life (who, seemingly, already has one — or two — of everything)

Luckily, there are a slew of gadgets and gizmos on the market this year for every walk of life, from the fashion-savvy to fitness-obsessed. Here are a few ideas to spark your creativity.

For the Hobbyist

1. Molecular Mixology Kit
MMkitImage: Uncommongoods

Sometimes, simply drinking a margarita isn’t enough. In true Breaking Bad style, this fun mixology kit — a perfect gift for the adventurous palate — combines liquor, chemistry and art for in-depth experimentation with your favorite cocktails. The kit features three types of drink (margaritas, mojitos and cosmopolitans) and includes simple molecular recipes that make it easy to impress dinner guests. A great idea for a slightly geeky girls’ night inPrice: $85. Read more…

More about Gadgets, Holidays, Shopping, Gift Guide, and Lifestyle

Read more : 13 Gift Ideas for the Woman in Your Life

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